• Mrs. Martin's Daily Schedule

    Click below for Google Classroom


    8:00-8:30 8th Grade Homeroom

    6th Grade Reading-Group A


    9:15-10:00 6th Grade Reading-Group B
    10:00-10:45 7th Reading-Group A 
    10:45-11:30 7th Reading-Group B
    11:30-12:15 Plan Period
    12:20-12:55  Lunch
    1:00-1:45 LD resource


    8th Rti Enrichment


    LD Resource

    Email Me jmartin@ccs133.com

  • I am available every morning for student help 8:00-8:20am and 3:15-3:30.

    Mrs. Martin’s Classroom Discipline Plan

    My classroom will follow the discipline handbook that was distributed to all students at registration.  The following are a few additions and rules that I follow.


    Class Rules

    Rule #1 Show respect yourself, your peers and the school staff.

    Rule #2 Raise Hand and obtain permission before speaking

    Rule #3 Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself

    Rule #4 No bad language including slang

    Rule #5 Do your own work. No cheating!




    (may or may not be assigned in the following order)

    1. Verbal warning or reprimand
    2. Individual conference with student
    3. Recess time lost
    4. Writing assignment
    5. Note/call to parent
    6. Discipline violation write up/ possible detention
    7. Zero grade and/or detention can be given for cheating.



    1. Verbal praise
    2. Candy/treat
    3. Note/call home
    4. Free homework ticket
    5. Free time/music reward
    6. Special privilege/classroom helper
    7. Quarterly S.T.A.R. Party